A Handbook of Native American Herbs PDF EBook Download-FREE

(Chris Devlin) #1

abate the swelling in its beginning; or when suppuration has taken place it will help to bring about
granulation. In bone enlargements and bone growths from injuries, when in a chronic state, apply a
solution of poke root tea, made fresh daily. This will also relieve itching skin.

HOMEOPATHIC CLINICAL: Tincture of fresh root dug in winter, tincture of the ripe berries, tincture of fresh
leaves, solution of the resinous extract phytolaccin for abortion (threatened), albuminuria, angina pectoris,
anus (fissure of), asthma, barber’s itch, boils, bone (disease of, tumors of), breasts (affections of), cancer,
cholera, cicatrix, ciliary neuralgia, constipation, corpulence, cough, dentition (difficulty), diarrhea,
diphtheria, diplopia, dysentery, dysmenia, ears (affections of), erythema nodosum, eustachian tubes
(affections of), glands (enlarged), gleet, glossitis, gonorrhea, gout, granular conjunctivitis, hemorrhoids,
headache, hearing (altered), heart (affection of, hyperthrophy of, fatty), impotence, influenza, intestinal
catarrh, itch, lactation (abnormal), laryngismus, leukorrhea, lichen, liver (affections of), lumbago, lupus,
mercury (effects of), mouth (ulcer), mumps, neuralgia, nipples (sore), nursing (painful), orchitis, ozena,
panophthalmitis, paralysis (diphtheritic), parotitis, prostatitis, prostate (affection of), rectum (cancer of),
respiration (abnormal), rheumatism (syphilitic, gonorrheal), ringworm, rodent ulcer, salivation, sciatica,
sewer gas poisoning, spinal irritation, spleen (pain in), stiff neck, syphilis, syphilitic eruptions, tetanus,
throat (sore: diphtheritic, herpetic, glandular), toothache, tumors, ulcers, uterus (affection of), warts,

RUSSIAN EXPERIENCE: Phytolacca americana is not native to Russia. Poke was brought from North
America to the Black Sea regions of Caucasia and Crimea. The natives have adopted fitalaka americana
(or from folk medicine, lakonos americana) as the identifying name.

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