A Handbook of Native American Herbs PDF EBook Download-FREE

(Chris Devlin) #1


Fragaria vesca, F. Americana

FEATURES: A member of the Rosaceae family, one of several native species of North America highly
prized for their fruit. Fragaria vesca, or wood strawberry, is a perennial herb, highly aromatic but with
small fruit. Strawberries vary in size, shape, color, texture, etc.

MEDICINAL PARTS: Leaves, root, berries.

SOLVENT: Boiling water.

BODILY INFLUENCE: Mild astringent, diuretic.

USES: The common strawberry leaf is still recognized as an effective blood-purifying and blood-building
agent and treatment for eczema, the outward appearance of acute or chronic blood contamination. Use a
strong tea or decoction of leaves or roots sweetened with honey freely for children and adults for
intestinal malfunctions of diarrhea, dysentery, weakness of the intestines, affections of the urinary organs;
will also prevent night sweats, acting as a general tonic. A strong tea used as a gargle will strengthen the

DOSE: 1 teaspoonful of fresh or dried herb to 1 cupful of boiling water, steeped 15 minutes. Take 4–5
cupfuls a day; children wineglassful amounts. For a more effective agent, combine with equal parts of
dandelion (Taraxacum), burdock (Arctium), and just enough rhubarb (Rheum) to assure regular bowel
evacuation. Dose of the tincture, 5–15 drops in water three times a day.

EXTERNALLY: A strong decoction to cleanse and heal eczema and other skin conditions.

HOMEOPATHIC CLINICAL: Tincture of the ripe fruit, in fusion of the root for anasarca, biliousness,
chilblains, convulsions, erysipelas, gonorrhea, psilosis (or sprue), tapeworm, tongue (strawberry,
swollen), urticaria, weaning.

RUSSIAN EXPERIENCE: Zemlianika, strawberry, grows in wooded settings throughout Russia and is highly
praised as foodstuff and medicine. However, some people’s systems cannot tolerate strawberries, and
they can cause skin rash, itching, redness, etc. If there are indications of this, consumption should be
avoided in any form: tea, jam, pie, etc. Folk medicine: Uses the fresh and dried leaves and berries for

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