HOMEOPATHIC CLINICAL: Amenorrhea, antrum (pain in), blepharitis, colic (flatulent), cough, diarrhea,
dysentery, dysmenia, dysuria, eczema, epilepsy, gonorrhea, gravel, hemorrhoids, heart (affections of),
hysteria, laryngitis, spleen (affections of), strangury, ulcers.
RUSSIAN EXPERIENCE: Arsesmart (water pepper) is not cultivated commercially but the state encourages
its preservation in its natural habitat. In all Russian medical and herbal literature, including general and
medical encyclopedias, attention is given to several kinds of Polygonum, and one of them, Polygonum
hydropiper (water pepper—vodianoy peretz), is appraised for many things. Medical research and
clinical experiments show that Polygonum contains many minerals and oil, but especially rutin and
vitamins C and K. Uses: Folk medicine gives a good account of its use to stop bleeding, and sometimes
as a diuretic. As a dye that cannot be duplicated artificially for rich and beautiful yellow, golden yellow,
and golden green colors.