DOSE: Steep 1 teaspoonful of the granulated root in 1 cup of boiling water for ½ hour, strain, take 1
tablespoonful three to six times a day. Of the tincture, 5–10 minims.
EXTERNALLY: Steep as above and apply, or bathe parts concerned.
HOMEOPATHIC CLINICAL: Tincture of whole fresh plant for appendicitis, bites of rabid animals, blood
poisoning, carbuncles, diphtheria, enteric fever, gangrene, poisoned wounds, pyoemia, rhus poisoning,
scarlatina, septicemia, snakebite, struma, syphilis, typhoid, ulcers, vaccination (effects of).
RUSSIAN EXPERIENCE: Echinacea is not native to Russia. Careful study, research, and experiment have
given many opportunities for cultivation in Ukraine, Caucasia, and other places. They use the Latin name
Echinacea for identification, pronounced with a Russian accent. Uses: According to experiments it is not
toxic in large amounts, but has been known to cause salivation. They use it as an antiseptic, internally and
externally. Internally it is healing by reducing pain; improves the quality of blood to resist infection or
further spread of disease. Externally: Antiseptic and healing for skin conditions of carbuncles, boils,
wounds, ulcers, burns, and bedsores.