TOP PICKSSleepingFURTHER READINGPick up our San Francisco cityguide (£14.99) or Pocket SanFrancisco (£8.50). The city alsofeatures in our Guides app (freedownload from app stores).
EATING IN SAN FRANCISCO126 Lonely Planet Traveller October 2017``````Chateau Tivoli ££Best for history( source of neighbourhoodgossip since 1892, this gilded andturreted mansion once hostedIsadora Duncan and Mark Twain.``````Fairmont San Francisco £££Best for grand tradition( of state choose the Fair-mont. For old-fashioned appeal,stay in the original 1906 building;for supreme views, pick the tower.``````MAP KEYEATINGAlâs PlaceBenuCalaCity ViewCotognaFerry Plaza``````Farmers MarketGolden BoyIn SituLa Palma MexicatessenLa TaqueriaLiholiho Yacht ClubMission CommunityMarket``````Mister JiuâsRevenge PiesRich TableSerpentineSoMa StrEat Food ParkTout SweetWako``````SLEEPINGChateau TivoliFairmont San FranciscoHI San FranciscoFishermanâs WharfHotel BohèmeHotel VitaleHotel Zephyr``````HI San FranciscoFishermanâs Wharf £Best for budget sleeps( hostel occupies an old armyhospital in a glorious park-likesetting with waterfront views.``````Hotel Bohème ££Best for bohemians( and unabashedly poetic,this boutique hotel has Jazz-eracolour schemes and photos fromthe Beat years on the walls.``````Hotel Vitale £££Best for clean design($QRFHWRZHUH[WHULRUGLVJXLVHVa snazzy hotel with up-to-the-PLQXWHOX[XULHV5RRPVIDFLQJWKHED\RÕHUVSHFWDFXODUYLHZV``````Hotel Zephyr ££Best for groove( revamped in 2015,WKLVYLQWDJH·VKRWHOZLWKVSLÕ\rooms surrounds a vast courtyardZLWKÃUHSLWVDQGORXQJHFKDLUV
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)