The chart below shows selected population data for two differ-
ent countries A and B.
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- Calculate the rates of natural increase for the populations
of Country A and Country B. From the rates of natural
increase and the data in the table, suggest whether A and
B are developed or developing countries, and explain the
reasons for your answers. - Describe where each of the two countries may be in terms
of their stage in the demographic transition (Figure 6-12,
p. 134). Discuss factors that could hinder Country A from
progressing to later stages in the demographic transition.
3. Explain how the percentage of people under 15 years of
age in Country A and in Country B could affect the per
capita and total ecological footprints of each country.
Country A Country B
Population (millions) 144 82
Crude birth rate 43 8
Crude death rate 18 10
Infant mortality rate 100 3.8
Total fertility rate 5.9 1.3
Percentage of population under 15 years old 45 14
Percentage of population older than 65 years 3.0 19
Average life expectancy at birth 47 79
Percentage urban 44 75
Source: Data from Population Reference Bureau 2007, World Population Data Sheet.