
(datord125) #1

"You destroyed it? Why am I not surprised?" He laughed quietly before his attention
was caught by a particular object. A Time-Turner with blue sand inside a carefully
constructed hourglass, wrapped in a silver casing with a thin chain hanging off it like a
necklace. He reached his hand out and touched the piece with reverence and fear, looking
at the bottom of it where he saw engraved a rune he knew meant "predestination."
A hopeful smile crossed his face.
"Death Eaters," she corrected him, her voice echoing off the walls and ceiling as
she examined a large hourglass sitting on a shelf on the opposite side of the room. Huffing,
mildly offended, she added, "I did not destroy anything. I know better than to mess about
with Time-Turners. Then again, you know all about that."
"What?" Remus jumped and turned around, looking as though he had been caught
with his hand in the biscuit tin. "Why would I know that?"
"Because I used a Time-Turner during third year," she clarified. "I've told you this
before. When we saved Sirius from the dementors?" She raised a brow with a concerned
look in her eyes.
"Oh. Of course." He shook his head. "Forgive me; I was lost in thought."
Hermione smiled and headed for the door. "Well, we're procrastinating."
"We're leaving?" Remus's forehead crinkled in confusion.
"Yes. I don't need the Time Room," she said quickly as she exited.
Remus hesitated, looking around the room. He glanced back at the Time-Turner
with the rune marking. Reluctant to put his faith in destiny, he snatched up the device and
slipped it securely into his robes before making a hasty retreat to the large circular room
once again.
As the door shut behind him, Hermione marked it and moved along to the next
"Hermione, are you going to tell me... ?" Remus began as she opened the next
The look on her face silenced him immediately. He turned his attention to the inside
of the room and let out a gasp, his nostrils flaring at the sight.
A large, dimly lit, rectangular room stood before them. Stone benches lined the
walls on every side, descending like large steps toward the centre where a familiar pit held

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