
(datord125) #1

"Gone?" echoed Harry, deflated. "What do you mean, it's gone?"
The elf shivered and swayed.
"Kreacher," said Harry fiercely, "I order you―"
"Mundungus Fletcher," the elf croaked, his eyes still tight shut. "Mundungus
Fletcher stole it all. Miss Bella and Miss Cissy's pictures, my mistress's gloves, the Order of
Merlin, the goblets with the family crest, and... and.. ."
Kreacher gulped for air, his hollow chest rising and falling rapidly. Then his eyes
flew open and he uttered a blood-curdling scream. "And the locket—Master Regulus's
locket! Kreacher did wrong! Kreacher failed in his orders!"
As Kreacher lunged for the poker standing in the grate, Harry launched himself at
the elf, flattening him. Hermione's scream mingled with Kreacher's, but Harry bellowed
louder than both of them, "Kreacher, I order you to stay still!"
But Kreacher continued.
"Harry, make him stop!" Hermione cried as she watched the old elf continue to try
to punish himself despite Harry's attempts to prevent him.
"I'm trying!" Harry shouted.
Hermione shrieked, "Kreacher, stop!"
Kreacher stopped.
"What the hell?" Harry's jaw dropped in shock.
Hermione knelt beside the elf, worried that he had done permanent damage.
"Kreacher, are you all right?"
"Yes, Mistress. Kreacher obeys Mistress," Kreacher said bitterly, narrowing his large
eyes at her. Hermione's own eyes widened at the words, and she swallowed hard as the elf
continued to speak. "Even if Mistress is a filthy Mudblood brought into the Noble House
of Black by the ungrateful blood-traitor."
Harry gaped. "Wait, Kreacher, you obey Hermione?"
"Kreacher lives to serve the Noble House of Black."
"Harry, go tell Sirius that Mundungus took the locket," Hermione requested, panic
rising in her chest.
She turned a fierce look on him. "Harry, go! I'll deal with Kreacher. Please."
Her best friend nodded, eyeing Kreacher once again before walking out the door.

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