Home Gardens in Nepal

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HKI, 2001. Home Gardening in Hilly and Terai areas in Nepal: Impact on Food Production
and Consumption. Nutrition Bulletin. Vol.1. Issue 1.
Khatiwada K, 2002. Kitchen Garden Diversity and Family Nutrition: RRN’s Experience. A
brief sharing paper presented in home garden stakeholders meeting organized by
Koirala GP and Thapa GB, 1997. Food Security Challenges., Where does Nepal stand?
Research Report Series No. 36. HMG-Ministry of Agriculture and Winrock
International, Kathmandu.
Regmi BR, Aryal KP and Subedi A, 2003a. Shifting Cultivation Systems and Innovations in
Nepal. Review paper. LIBIRD.
Regmi BR, Subedi A, Aryal KP, Shrestha PK and Tamang BB, 2003b. Looking into the Life
of Chepang. Discussion Paper, LIBIRD.
Shrestha P, Gautam R, Rana RB and Sthapit BR. 2002. Home gardens in Nepal: status and
scope for research and development. In: Watson JW and Eyzaguirre PB. editors.
Home gardens and in situ conservation of plant genetic resources in farming
systems, 17-19 July 2001, Witzenhausen, Germany/IPGRI, Rome, pp. 105-124

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