Such indeed the blessed one, exalted,
omniscientt, endowed with knowledge and conduct,
virtues, gone beyond*, knower of the world , a guide
imparable for the training of individuals, teacher
of gods and men, Enlightened and Holy
* “gone beyond” only a Buddha can be described
as SUGATHO –because he is one who attained
Nibbana by being completely imancipated spiritually
and hasleft behind the mundane world of sense pleasure
- Salutation to the Dhamma - Oïu r;akh jkaokdj
Swakkhato Bhagawatā Dhammo Sanditthiko Akāliko
Ehi-passiko Opanayiko Paccattam Veditabbo Vinnūhi ti
iajlaLdf;da N.j;d Oïfud ikaÈÜÀfld wld,sflda tys
miaisflda ́mkhsfld mÉp;a;x fjÈ;ífnd ú[ûys;s
Dhamma of the Exalted One, perfectly
expounded from the beginning to the end: exists
and can be seen: not limited for a certain
period: inviting One to approach and see: Leading
onwards to Nibbana: to be individually realized by the
- Salutation to the Sangha - ix> r;akh jkaokdj
Supatipanno Bhagavato sāvaka-sangho, Uju
patipanno Bhagavato sāvaka- sangho, Nāya patipanno
Bhagavato sāvaka - sangho , Sāmici patipanno
Bhagavato sāvaka - sangho, Yadidam cattāri purisa
ugāni Atta purisa puggalā Esa Bhagavato sāvaka
sangho, āhuneyyo pāhuneyyo Dhakkineyyo Añjali
karaniyo Anuttaram Puññnakkettam lokassā’ti