The result is pretty good, but perhaps it could be better.
The darker pixels in this shot are generally lit by the interior, warmer room light, while the
lighter pixels are generally lit by the bluer daylight. This means different color wheels will
interact with different areas of the picture in convincing and natural ways.
6. Expand the Color Wheels & Match section of the Lumetri Color panel. Try using the
Shadows color wheel to pull the color toward the red, while using the Highlights color
wheel to pull the color toward blue.
7. You’ve adjusted the color wheels to warm up the shadows and cool down the highlights.
Experiment with the midtones to obtain the most natural result possible. Use the image as a
Experiment with the other controls in the Lumetri Color panel to see whether you can improve
the result further.
Making a secondary color adjustment
The Lumetri Color panel allows you to make adjustments that are limited to a particular range
of hues, a level of color saturation, or a level of brightness.
This is useful if you want to bring out the blue in a subject’s eyes or give a flower a color boost.