Premiere Pro also has an option for preserving your interpret footage settings. If you’ve
modified the way Premiere Pro interprets media, select the Preserve Interpret Footage
Settings check box to apply the same settings to the newly linked media files.
The Locate File dialog box gives you a quick, easy way to locate your missing media. The
simplest way to find a file is as follows:
1. Review the Last Path information as a guide to locating the file. Often the storage drive will
have changed, but the path within the drive will be the same. You can use this information
to manually search for a containing folder. The path displayed under Last Path is the
currently viewed location.
2. In the folder browser on the left, select a folder that you think contains the media. Don’t
worry about choosing the particular subfolder that contains the media.
3. Click Search. Premiere Pro will locate a file that matches the selected missing clip. The file
is selected.
4. Select the option Display Only Exact Name Matches. Premiere Pro will hide media files
whose names do not match, making it easy to identify which file to select.
5. Check that the correct file is selected, and click OK.