2007-2008 Turf Catalog

(Rick Simeone) #1
Training & Resources

Training & Resources

■ Irrigation Design Classes

Intermediate Design (English or Spanish) - 8 Hours
The key to popularity of this course is its "practice what you
learn" approach. Throughout the day, there is the opportunity
to perform practical exercises in residential design and drip
design applications. Gain and reinforce the following concepts:

  • Hydraulics

  • Determining irrigation requirements

  • Selecting sprinklers and spacing ranges

  • Locating valves

  • Proper layout of valve groups

  • Sizing pipe and valves

  • Calculating system pressure requirements

  • Site location of controllers

  • Preparing a final irrigation plan

Advanced Irrigation Design (English or Spanish) – 8 Hours
This advanced level irrigation design class will give you an
opportunity to work with many of the more difficult aspects of
commercial design projects. This is a high level design course
that requires a working knowledge of hydraulics and design.
Prerequisite: Irrigation Design or five years field design

Landscape Drip / Xerigation®Design (English or Spanish)

  • 8 Hours
    In this course, attendees will go through the 5 step drip design
    process. The steps include gathering site data, calculating the
    plant water requirement, choosing emission device(s),
    calculating application rate & run time and preparing a system
    layout. It is important that students have a strong working
    knowledge of low volume products and their uses before taking
    this class. It is recommended that they take Landscape
    Drip/Xerigation before taking the Landscape Drip/ Xerigation
    Design class.

■ Central Control Training Courses
These courses start with the basics of programming, monitoring,
and reporting of irrigation operations for central control stations.
The basic class introduces users to the software and its primary
functions related to basic irrigation operation. Emphasis is
placed on programming, scheduling, and monitoring the
irrigation process. The level 2 class walks the user through the
key points of the start-up process, effectively integrating Flo-
Manager and databases for importing and establishing maps.
This class will also cover troubleshooting techniques, and
incorporation of “smart” features into programs and schedules.

MDC Decoder System - 6 Hours
Learn proper hands-on installation, troubleshooting and
programming skills. Installation includes proper wiring, splicing
and system configuration. Attendees are taught how to use a
clamp meter to perform proper troubleshooting methods and
how to program the controller and operate software.

IM Controller - 4 Hours
Learn to manage water with this advanced stand-alone
controller. This course will cover proper ET and water budget
programming along with the use of sensors.

Site Control/Central Control Level 1 - 8 Hours
Level 1 Training is the basic class for the person responsible for
the programming, monitoring, and reporting of irrigation
operations. This basic class introduces users to the software and
its primary functions related to basic irrigation operation.
Emphasis is placed on programming, scheduling, and
monitoring the irrigation process. This course requires that the
user have a working knowledge of the Windows 98, 2000, or XP.

Site Control/Central Control Level 2 - 8 Hours
Level 2 Training is the intermediate class for the person
responsible for the programming, monitoring, and reporting of
irrigation operations. This class walks the user through the key
points of the start-up process, effectively integrating Flo-
Manager and databases for importing and establishing maps.
This class will also cover troubleshooting techniques, and
incorporation of “smart” features into programs and schedules.
This course requires that the participant have a current
certificate of completion of the Site Control Level 1 training class.

Maxicom®Central Control Hardware Level 1 - 16 Hours
Basic Installer Training is the beginning step for the contractor
engaged in the business of central control irrigation system
installation. This training introduces and defines the role of the
system hardware components. Hands-on installation activities
with the central controller, Site SAT, Cluster Control Unit,
Satellite and flow sensors are included. The participant should
have a prior working knowledge of the landscape irrigation
system including sprinkler, valve and controller installation.

Rain Bird Irrigation Training(continued)

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