Euthamia graminifolia Lance-Leaved Goldenrod
Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FAC Soil: Not Available.
Form/Color Perennial, grows to 1-5', ray flowers Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
yellow in July-October. Tolerance: tolerance.
Urban Tolerant of poor, gravelly, sandy, or dry
Tolerance: soils.
Habitat: Open areas, dry to moist soil of
meadows, roadsides and path edges.
Ecosystem Seeds eaten by some birds and small
Services: mammals, foliage eaten by rabbits,
flowers eaten by Blister beetles. `
Hydrology: Tolerant of drought.
Ornamental Yellow flowers.
Value: Compatibility: Leaf extracts have inhibited seed
germination in other plants, may
displace other species if left
Salt Insufficient information to determine
Tolerance: tolerance. Other:
Shade Tolerant of partial shade.
Eutrochium dubium Three-Nerved Joe-Pye Weed
Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FACW Soil: Acidic soils.
Form/Color Perennial, grows to 15-40", stems have Stormwater Tolerant of stormwater.
purple speckles, flowers dull purple in Tolerance:
Urban Performs well in the right of way.
Habitat: Open moist sandy, gravelly acidic soil,
wet woods, edges.
Ecosystem Eaten by some birds, host for some
Services: butterfly species.
Hydrology: Medium moisture usage.
Ornamental Purple flowers.
Value: Compatibility:
Salt Insufficient information to determine
Tolerance: tolerance. Other:
Shade Tolerant of partial shade.