
(vip2019) #1

A. Coastal Communities: Maritime and Wetland Communities

Coastal regions are characterized by dynamic landforms and processes because they are the

juncture between the lands, oceans, and atmosphere. Features such as dunes and wetlands

constantly undergo change due to driving processes such as storms, sediment supply, and sea-

level change (Titus 2009). Urban coastal regions are even more significantly changed in the

name of development and a high-density human population. The effects of hurricanes and

other major storms combined with higher sea levels are putting New York City‟s low-lying

coastlines at risk. Restoration of our coastal plant communities and an attempt to design with

nature will determine the long-term success and protection of coastal property and economic



Maritime beach/dune communities are dominated by salt-tolerant grasses and herbs. The sand

is relatively unstable at the ocean-fronting beach and only a few plant species can survive in

these harsh conditions. Stabilized back dunes transition into maritime grasslands and

shrublands. These low-lying areas near the coast are subject to off-shore winds and occasional

salt spray. These conditions will naturally stunt trees and support the shrubland community that

will inhabit the dry, rolling outwash plains and moraine of the Atlantic coastal plain. The plant

community lines naturally overlap in this maritime setting and can be of extraordinary floristic

diversity. Diversity will decrease in areas that occur on coastal landfill sites where dredged

sand was used as fill.


Examples Include: Plumb Beach (BK), Far Rockaway (QU), and Conference House (SI).

Recommended Plants:


Ammophila breviligulata Beach grass

Cenchrus longispinus Common sandbur

Cenchrus tribuloides Dune sandbur

Cyperus grayi Gray‟s flatsedge

Eragrostis spectabilis Purple lovegrass

Panicum virgatum Switchgrass


Atriplex mucronata Sea-beach orach

Cakile edentula American searocket

Chamaesyce polygonifolia Seaside sandmat

Krigia virginica Virginia dwarfdandelion

Lechea maritima Beach pinweed

Polygonella articulata Jointweed

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