
(vip2019) #1

Athyrium filix-femina Lady Fern

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FAC Soil: pH 3.9-7.0

Form/Color Perennial, fine-textured, upright-growing Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
fern, moderate grower to 2-3', spores Tolerance: tolerance.

Urban Somewhat tolerant of urban pollution.


Habitat: Moist woods, shady edges.

Ecosystem Leaves eaten by rabbits and deer,

Services: secondary species for increased

Hydrology: Tolerant of drought.

Ornamental Fine-textured fronds, upright growing.

Value: Compatibility: Moderate rate of vegetative spread.

Salt Intolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other:

Shade Tolerant of shade.


Dennstaedtia punctilobula Hay-Scented Fern

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: UPL Soil: pH 4.0-5.0

Form/Color Perennial, groundcover, single, very fine Stormwater Tolerant of stormwater.
fronds in large colonies, 1-3.5', spreads Tolerance:

primarily by rhizomes, spores June-
August. Urban Somewhat tolerant of urban pollution,
Tolerance: performs well in the right of way.

Habitat: Open woods, gaps, edges.

Ecosystem Habitat for birds and bees.


Hydrology: Tolerant of drought when well


Ornamental Single, very fine fronds, that will colonize.

Value: Compatibility: May crowd out less aggressive
plants. Can form colonies.

Salt Tolerant of salt.

Tolerance: Other: Often colonizes old burn sites.

Shade Tolerant of open shade.

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