
(vip2019) #1

Dichanthelium latifolium Broadleaf Rosette Grass

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FACU- Soil: pH 4.0-6.5

Form/Color Rapid grower to 3', grows in bunches, Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
active in Summer, blooms in Spring. Tolerance: tolerance.

Urban Adapted to coarse and medium soils,

Tolerance: no tolerance of soil compaction.

Habitat: Forests and thickets.

Ecosystem Moderately palatable to browse
Services: animals.

Hydrology: Moderate tolerance to drought.

Ornamental Broad-leaved grass growing in rosettes.
Value: Terminal flowering panicle with delicate Compatibility: Not a known allelopath, rapid

flowers and seeds. grower, can spread by rhizomes.

Salt Intolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other:

Shade Moderately tolerant of shade.

Distichlis spicata Salt-Grass

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FACW+ Soil: pH 4.0-10.5

Form/Color Moderate grower to 16", plant usually Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
reclining, gray-green, tan in autumn, Tolerance: tolerance.

blooms and fruits in August-October.

Urban Adapted to medium and fine soils,
Tolerance: high tolerance of soil compaction.

Habitat: High salt marsh.

Ecosystem Wildlife value low.

Hydrology: Tolerant of saltwater to 50 ppt, tolerant of

spring tide flooding.

Ornamental Low- growing, high marsh grass. A

Value: companion plant to Spartina patens. Compatibility: Often codominant with Spartina
Thick flowering heads turning a straw like patens. Can form colonies.


Salt Tolerant of salt.

Tolerance: Other: One of very few grasses to tolerate
salt marshes.
Shade Intolerant of shade.


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