
(vip2019) #1

Scirpus atrovirens Dark-green Bulrush

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: OBL Soil: pH 4.0-8.0

Form/Color Moderate grower to 4', tufted, blooms and Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
fruits in July-August. Tolerance: tolerance.

Urban Tolerant of disturbance.


Habitat: Wet meadows, swamps, wet thickets.

Ecosystem Host to some butterflies, seeds eaten
Services: by waterfowl, roots eaten by muskrats

and geese, provides cover for nesting
Hydrology: Low drought tolerance; medium moisture birds.


Ornamental Dark green stems can reach up to 4.5 ft
Value: high. The terminal inflorescence holds Compatibility:

brown dense spiklets that radiate in all
different directions.

Salt Intolerant of salt.

Tolerance: Other: Also known as green bulrush or
black bulrush.
Shade Tolerant of partial shade.


Scirpus cyperinus Wool Grass

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FACW+ Soil: pH 4.8-8.0

Form/Color Moderate grower to 5', tufted, blooms and Stormwater Insufficient information to determine

fruits in August-October, flowers greenish, Tolerance: tolerance.
becoming wooly brown.

Urban Probably tolerant of concrete debris.


Habitat: Freshwater tidal and nontidal marshes,

wet fill, swamps.
Ecosystem Wildlife value high, seeds eaten by
Services: waterfowl, muskrats, host to some


Hydrology: Tolerant of flooding, tolerates saturated
soil 25% of growing season.

Ornamental Tall grass-like upright form reaching 4-5 ft
Value: high. The dense terminal infloresence Compatibility: Can form colonies.

has a wooly-like apperance when in
seed, turning a nice light brown.

Salt Intolerant of salt.

Tolerance: Other:

Shade Intolerant of shade.

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