
(Jacob Rumans) #1

74 RUNNER’S WORLD JULY 2018SOCKSDeFeet Aireator 4 R220DeFeet socks come in awide range of colours,designs and cuff lengths –I love this fun, spotty pair.Originally intended forcyclists, they have beenused for a sub-4:00 TwoOceans, and by an age-group podium finisher at theAfricanX Trail Run. Testerspraised the breathableAireator mesh weave onthe top of the foot, whichprevents your feet fromoverheating on a warmday. Despite their thin,lightweight feel, these socksare made to last: thoughthey aren’t padded, the keyareas are E-TouchDuraglove R328It was autumn at the time of writing;chilly, but not freezing. These glovesdid a good job of keeping testers’hands warm, because they’remade from hardwearing nylon andpolyester. They have good grip, dueto a rubbery logo across the palm,fingers and thumb. A touch-screen-friendly yarn is used on the ends ofthe index and middle fingers and thethumb, which is an added bonus``````DESIGNBODY WARMERSDeFeet ArmSkin Wool R458The warmth of an arm warmer madeof Merino wool, minus the hefty pricetag. Though it doesn’t appear to bethe best choice of material to wearon a rainy day, one tester reportedthat the ArmSkin Wool only becamewaterlogged after two hours ofexposure to wet conditions. They’realso a good

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