Bimby - Angola

(kioske Culinaria) #1


1 00 g coco ralado

2 c.sopadeLeite Moça

150 gleite em pó Nido

100 g açúcar pulverizado

100 g leite de coco(ou o necessário até
atingir o ponto de moldagem)

20 cravinhos

100 9 grated coconut
2 tablespoons MOÇAsweetened condensed milk
150 9 milk powder Nido
100 9 powdered sugar
100 9 coconut milk (or as much as required to
reach themoulding point)
20 cloves

Doce de Leite h1Min
~ 25 Unid


1 Coloque 50gdecoco ralado eosrestantes ingredientes no copo, excepto o leitede
cocoeo cravinho, e misture 10 Seg/Vel5

2 Programe 1 Min/Vel4 e adicione lentamente oleite de coco pelo bocalaté atingir
uma consistência pastosa densa. Deixe secarao ar cerca demeia hora.

3 Façabolinhas, envolva-as norestante coco ralado eenfeite com um cravinho no
centro de cadabolo.

1 Place into the bowlço 9 of gratedcoconutand ali the ingredients,except thecoconut milk and cloves,and
stir 10 Sec/Speed 5.
2 Set 1 Min/Speed 4 and slowlyaddthecoconut milk by the lid mouth until achieve a thick paste consistency.
Remove from the bowl and let it dry forabouthalf an hour.
3 Make small balls by hand, wrap them in theremaining grated coconut and garnish withaclovein the
center of each cake.
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