Bimby - Angola

(kioske Culinaria) #1


500 g choco limpo emcubinhos

500 g mandioca descascada e partida
em cubos

400 g água

1 cebola

3 dentes de alho

10 g gengibre

50 g óleo de palma

Sal e pimenta q.b.

12 gambas


5009 dicedcuttlefish, cleaned and cut

500 9 cassava,peeledandcut in small cubes
400 9 water
3 claves ofgarlic
10 9 ginger
50 9 palmoil
12 prawns

Kibeba de Choco

e Gambas da Tia Eisa

~ 6 pax


Tempere o choco com alho esal. Coloque a água no copo, disponha o choco e a
mandioca naVaroma e coza30 Min/Varoma/Vel2. Reservetudo.

2 Triture 20 g de mandioca 8 Seg/Vel9 Reserve.

3 Piquea cebola, os alhos eo gengibre 5 Seg/Vel5

4 Junte a mandioca, o choco cozido, a água dacozedura, o óleo de palma, o sal,a
pimenta eenvolva tudo com a espátula Coloque as garnbas naVaroma e programe
15 Min/Varoma/~/Vel~.

5 Adicione a mandioca triturada para engrossar o molho, rectifique o tempero e
programe 3 Min/100o/~/Vel~para apurar.

1 Season the cuttlefish with gar/ic and salt. Place the water in the bowl, displace cuttlefisb and cassavain
Varamo and cook 30 Min/varoma/ Speed2.Set aside.
2 Grind 20 grams of cassava 8 Sec/Speed9.Set aside.
3 Chop the onion, gar/ic and ginger 5 Sec/Speed 5.
4 Add cooked cassava and cutttefish, the cooking water, palm oil, salt, pepper and wrap it with thespatula.
Place the prawns in Varamo and cook 15 Min/varoma/cr/ Speed-s-,
5 Add chopped cassava to thicken the sauce, correct seasoning and set 3 Min/ 100! 2 /~/Speed-l-:
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