Seven naslovi

(Ann) #1

  1. Matches

  2. Shovel

  3. Backpack

  4. Toilet paper

  5. Two tents

  6. Two sleeping bags

  7. Knife

  8. Small life raft, with sail

  9. Sun block lotion

  10. Cook stove and lantern

  11. Long rope

  12. Two walkie-talkie sender-receiver units

  13. Freeze-dried food for seven days

  14. One change of clothing

  15. One fifth of whiskey

  16. Flares

  17. Compass

  18. Regional aerial maps

  19. Gun with six bullets

  20. Fifty packages of condoms

  21. First-aid kit with penicillin

  22. Oxygen tanks

Step 2: Share your list with your partner. Together come up
with a consensus list often items. That means talking it over and
working as a team to solve the problem together. Both of you need to
be influential in discussing the problem and in making the final
When you've finished, it's time to evaluate how the game went.
You should both answer the questions below.

  1. How effective do you think you were at influencing your spouse?
    a) Not at all effective
    b) Neither effective nor ineffective
    c) Somewhat effective
    d) Very effective

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