Seven naslovi

(Ann) #1

idea that words are also acceptable as ways of communicating even
during lovemaking.

A major characteristic of couples who have a haA major characteristic of couples who have a haA major characteristic of couples who have a haA major characteristic of couples who have a happyppyppyppy
sex life is thatsex life is thatsex life is thatsex life is that they see lovemaking as an expressionthey see lovemaking as an expressionthey see lovemaking as an expressionthey see lovemaking as an expression
of intimacy but they don't takeof intimacy but they don't takeof intimacy but they don't takeof intimacy but they don't take any differences inany differences inany differences inany differences in
their needs or desires personally.their needs or desires personally.their needs or desires personally.their needs or desires personally.

Your sexual life will be further enhanced if you feel safe enough
to share your sexual fantasies with each other and even act them out
together. This is a very delicate area. Although fantasies are the home
of imagination, variety, and adventure in a marriage, very few
couples are able to share their fantasies and then find some way of
honoring them within their sex life. If you are able to share your
fantasies, the result will be great intimacy, romance, and excitement.
Try to cultivate the idea that within the boundaries of your
marriage, all wishes, images, fantasies, and desires are acceptable.
Nothing is intrinsically bad or disgusting. You can say no to your
partner's request, but don't disparage it. Expressing a fantasy
requires a great deal of trust, so take care to be tender when you hear
of a fantasy your partner has. If it's not one of your own, but it's not a
turn-off, then agree to it. Don't take it personally if your spouse
wants you to pretend to be a stranger, a nurse, or a pirate. Just
consider it play The idea, the desire, the fantasy is usually not
understood at all by the person expressing it. No one knows why
particular fantasies are erotic to certain people, they just are.
There are some open manhole covers in the area of sex that you
should know about. The greatest of these is a lack of basic knowledge
about sex. It leads people to base their expectations for their own
performance from informal and unreliable sources, mostly those
heard from friends during adolescence. The result is often that we
judge ourselves quite harshly and feel that we are not very good in
bed. For example, many men think that they have to always be able
to get an erection whenever the situation calls for it. If it doesn't
happen, it is common for great self-doubt to set in. These and many

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