Shepherding a Child's Heart

(Barré) #1


(^) The rapid changes during these early years give parents grandiose
ideas about their children. Many parents are sure their kindergarten
children are geniuses. They have to be; they catch on so well. They
have learned so much in such a short period of time. Parents are sure
there is no limit to this child’s capacity.
Understanding Authority
(^) With such dramatic changes over a short time, it is easy to lose
focus. Where should you put your energies? You need a single over-
arching training objective, narrow enough to give firm direction in
concrete situations and broad enough to encompass the changing
world of the young child.
One Big Lesson
(^) The most important lesson for the child to learn in this period is
made by God and has a responsibility to obey God in all things.
(^) The key passage of Scripture for this period is:
(^) Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor
your father and mother,”—which is the first commandment with
a promise—“that it may go well with you and that you may
enjoy long life on the earth.”
(^) (Ephesians 6:1–3)
Godward Focus
(^) Notice that obedience is a response to God. Children must learn
that they have been made for God. They have a duty to him. He has
the right to rule them. They owe him obedience.
(^) Your children will never submit to you without understanding this
truth. They will never see living in terms of bringing glory to God.
They will be self-absorbed—the prime objects of worship in their

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