Shepherding a Child's Heart

(Barré) #1

(^) Mission Statement
Shepherd Press is committed to providing God’s people with solid
biblical books and materials. Our material seeks to have two qualities
that make them unique and spiritually satisfying:
First, they focus on heart issues rather than performance issues.
Authentic change works from the inside out. The resources you will
find here focus on the “abundance of the heart”, not just performance.
Second, the material you will find here maintains the centrality of
the gospel. The riches of the gospel go deeper than the assurance of
sins forgiven and eternal life (as indescribably wonderful as that is).
The message of the gospel includes not just forgiveness of sin, but
also radical, internal transformation and empowerment to live in the
ways God calls us to live.
At Shepherd Press we look for materials that serve both of these
ends. They will enable us to identify the idols of the heart that pollute
our service to Christ, keeping us mired in sin, unable to obey God.
They will also encourage us that we can “do all things through Christ
who gives [us] strength.” They will remind us that the gospel is for
Christians. We daily repent and cast ourselves on the abundant grace
of Jesus Christ.
Our prayer and expectation is that the things you find here will help
you identify and respond to areas of personal and family needs with
the certain hope of grace and empowerment from God.
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