Shepherding a Child's Heart

(Barré) #1

below.” What we have in view are any manner of motives, desires,
wants, goals, hopes, and expectations that rule the heart of a child.
Remember, these things do not have to be articulated to be present.

(^) As your children interact with their childhood experience, they
interact based on their Godward orientation. Either they respond to
life as children of faith who know, love, and serve Jehovah, or they
respond as children of foolishness, and unbelief, who neither know
him nor serve him. The point is this: They do respond. They are not
neutral. They are not simply the sum total of what you and I put into
them; They interact with life either out of a true covenant of faith or
out of an idolatrous covenant of unbelief.
Whom Will the Child Worship?
(^) It is imperative to be clear on this issue. Parenting is not just
providing good input. It is not just creating a constructive home
atmosphere and positive interaction between a child and his parent.
There is another dimension. The child is interacting with the living
God. He is either worshiping and serving and growing in
understanding of the implications of who God is, or he is seeking to
make sense of life without a relationship with God.
(^) If he is living as a fool who says in his heart there is no God, he
doesn’t cease to be a worshiper—he simply worships what is not God.
Part of the parent’s task is to shepherd him as a creature who
worships, pointing him to the One who alone is worthy of his worship.
The question is not “will he worship?” It is always “whom will he
Implications for Childrearing
(^) This issue of Godward orientation separates what you read here
from most other books on childrearing. Most parenting books are
written to help you do the best possible job of providing constructive
shaping influences for your child. All sorts of tips and creative ideas
are suggested for producing the best, most biblically consistent

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