Shepherding a Child's Heart

(Barré) #1

capacity to develop a physical skill? Are we not encouraging pride
that comes from the capacity to perform? Most coaches do not teach
the Little Leaguer who hits a home run to give thanks to God for the
timing and coordination necessary to perform such a complex feat.

(^) Many of these activities teach your children to trust in themselves,
when the Scripture says that those who trust in themselves are fools
whose hearts turn from God. The self-love and self-trust our culture
proffers always turns the heart away from God.
(^) What values do you teach by the sacrifices needed to practice each
day? Many families who always have time for team practice are
unable to organize family life around regular times of family Bible
reading and prayer. What values are taught? What values are taught
when the Lord’s Day worship plays second fiddle to baseball practice
or a swim meet? All this because children need to build their self-
(^) A biblical worldview dictates that you should teach your children
to exercise and care for their bodies as an expression of stewardship
for God’s gifts. Abilities should be developed because God has given
the stewardship of talents and special capacities. Skills that would
make your children more able to serve and open channels of ministry
to others should be encouraged.
(^) Athletic activities can be a valuable way of providing family unity
and oneness. Rather than fracturing families by allowing each to go
his own way for fitness, such activities can serve to teach family
loyalty in sharing each other’s interests in games and play.
(^) Strenuous activity is valid to keep the body in excellent health.
You must be concerned with strength and stamina for a life of service
to God. Activities that provide flexibility, strength and cardiovascular
health are necessary for usefulness in God’s kingdom.
(^) Our family found that a 650-mile bicycle-camping trip provided
physical, mental, and spiritual challenge that was easily focused on
biblical goals. Our son, Tedd, quickly realized that love of family

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