The Whole-Brain Child

(John Hannent) #1


whether they    are good    or  bad,    your    brain   and body
remember them? So when I say “Dodger
Stadium” ... You’re smiling! Do you feel what’s going on
inside you now? What are your brain and body saying?
How do you feel?

SON: Excited?


Yes.    I   can see that    on  your    face.   And do  you feel    butterflies
in your stomach?

SON: No way.


And what    about   when    I   say “swimming   lessons”?   Does    that
change how you feel?

SON: Uh-huh.

TINA: And the butterflies are back?

SON: Right. I don’t want to go.


But here’s  what    I   think   is  going   on. Your    brain   is  amazing.
And one of its important jobs is to keep you safe. See, your
brain is always checking things out and saying, “This is
good” or “This is bad.” So when I say “Dodger Stadium,”
your brain says, “Good! Let’s go! That’s a fun place.” But
when I say “Swimming lessons,” your brain says, “Bad idea.
Don’t go!”
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