when it treats you kindly. Rather, you see both the dark and the light as
opportunities for becoming a more conscious human being.
Whether we believe life is essentially good, or we spend our days waiting
for the proverbial other shoe to drop because we see life as out to get us,
depends on how we were raised. However, rarely are we raised with the
understanding that life is essentially wise.
To understand that life is a wise teacher, willing to show us our higher
self, revolutionizes how we live and how we parent. We approach
everything with an attitude that our circumstances are here to help us
come from our higher self. We see life as trustworthy, here to usher us
into a deeper self-connection. We also know it’s inherently good, a
mirror of our own internal state of goodness. This approach recognizes
that we are fundamentally interconnected to all that happens in our life,
so that we are co-creators of the reality in which we live. Life doesn’t
happen to us, but happens with us.
Neither does our children’s behavior happen in a void, but is a
response to our energy. This means we have much opportunity to
influence how our children turn out. While we are quick to teach them to
impose negative evaluations on reality, few of us teach them how they
can experience reality for what it is. The fact is, children learn how to
relate to their experiences from how we relate to our own. When they see
us constantly reacting to reality, manifesting ongoing anxiety, they learn
to embody such a reactive, anxious mindset themselves. As they watch
us judge and label every experience, they begin to categorize their own