The Conscious Parent

(Michael S) #1

manifests itself.
Parents often argue that their children would make unwise choices. Let
me be clear that I’m not advocating we allow our children to decide
which city we should live in or which school they will attend, although
they can certainly give their input on these issues. It’s important we
don’t pretend our children are mini-adults, capable of acting with reason
and wisdom. As parents, it’s our responsibility to keep things in
perspective. Hence we present our children with choices that are
appropriate for their age and in alignment with their ability to discern
wisely. For instance, we allow them a voice in determining the clothes
they wear for the most part, unless of course they want to go around in a
bikini in the dead of winter. They also have a say in the activities in
which they participate, including such things as the restaurants the
family eats at. And, too, we give them the freedom to disagree with us
when they have a different viewpoint. In this way, they learn to engage
life as a creative process that’s always in flux.
How wonderful if every parent would convey to their child, “You are a
creative person. Be free with your imagination. Take me to places in
your imagination so I can visit and revel. Imagine all you want, and
express yourself without fear. How else will you know your limits? You
have the capacity to place your unique imprint on the universe. At the
same time, there’s a sense in which you are at once many beings in a
single being, so don’t marry yourself to a single way of expressing
yourself too soon. All you need to be is you, and you can express who
you are in any way you choose as you develop. Don’t worry so much
about the ‘logic’ of a project. If you believe in it, do it. Life isn’t about

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