Am I able to allow my child’s spirit to first flow naturally before
“doing” sets in?
How much pressure do I put on my child to become the person I
want them to be, versus who they naturally are?
Do I view my child with a sense of lack or abundance?
Do I look at my child and constantly see them for all they yet need
to become, or am I able to sit with my child in the wonder of all
they already are?
How do I teach my child to have inner connection?
How do I engage with my child?
How do I listen to my child—passively, or actively with engaged
Am I able to see my child for all that they truly are?
How do I help foster my child’s connection with their inner self?
How do I model my own inner connection with myself?
How do I view life? Is it benevolent or evil? Does the answer
depend on the circumstance I find myself in?