The Conscious Parent

(Michael S) #1
feel    as  if  just    by  being   born,   they    have    earned  the right   to  be  adored.
Children who grow up with an intrinsic sense of “rightness” become
adults who forever carry the imprint of inner connection and,
consequently, emotional sturdiness. They learn early that it’s their spirit
that means the most in a relationship, and it’s this they will call upon to
navigate their adult experiences. Operating from this intrinsic
connectivity, they don’t need to seek validation externally, don’t thirst
for accolades, but celebrate who they are out of their own sense of


Accepting our children in their as-is state requires us to surrender our
ideas of who they “should” be—a surrender that’s akin to a psychic death
—and enter into a state of pure communion with them so that we can
respond to them as they need us to.
As we die to ourselves as we have known ourselves, we have the
opportunity to be birthed all over again along with our children’s
budding spirit. For this to happen, all we need do is yield to the
evershifting adventure of parenthood. Our children will lead the way.
This is why parenting a young child is our greatest opportunity for
change. If we are open to it, our child acts as our guru.
How this works can be seen from Anthony and Tina, who had been
struggling with their son’s learning disabilities for years. A high-
achieving couple, they were unable to come to terms with their son’s
academic limitations. Sean’s learning disabilities weren’t limited to
academics, but also encompassed his ability to socialize and handle life

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