Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

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children    who tested  the limits  of  their   parents and did not get
their parents to wilt under the pressure. They grew up to be
educated and responsible and, therefore, equipped with what
they need to have the freedom to achieve their dreams. I also
know that the world is filled with people who did not have
limits as children. You have seen these people yourself. The
only life they will ever live is filled with disappointment.
Yesterday you brought home a report card with grades far
below your ability level. Please understand that it would be so
much easier for me to make excuses for your behavior than to
hold you accountable. It might even make me feel better if I
could blame your poor grades on your age, your friends, or even
your teacher. But I love you too much to let you down that way.
Please give your school performance some serious thought
and be ready to share your plans for solving this problem and
getting your academic life back on track. Your father and I will
be available to discuss this with you on Friday evening. We
want you to be prepared to tell us what you plan to do and also
explain to us what kind of support or help you need from us.
I understand that you were hoping to go out Friday evening.
Your father and I were planning to do the same. However, we
are willing to stay home for this because you are so important
to us and we care about the kind of person you become.
In the meantime, we understand you are probably hurting a
great deal about your report card. It must be a great
disappointment. Please tell your teachers you have our love and

There are several advantages to approaching the problem in this
manner. First of all, it gives both the parents and the child time to cool
down and put the situation into proper perspective. It gives the parents

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