Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1


  1. For more on being a consultant parent to adolescents, see our book
    Parenting Teens with Love and Logic.

  2. For more on the three different parenting types, see appendix A.

  3. Many specific problems are discussed in part 2, “Love and Logic
    Parenting Pearls.”

  4. For more examples of this, see appendix A.

  5. Sylvia B. Rimm, PhD, How to Parent So Children Will Learn
    (Watertown, WI.: Apple Publishing, 1990).

  6. More on these specific issues in part 2.

  7. Also see Pearl 46, “Values: Passing Them On to Your Kids.”

  8. For more information and advice on this topic, see From Innocence to
    Entitlement from the Love and Logic Institute. Available at
    [ In Love and Logic tradition, the book offers]( In Love and Logic tradition, the book offers)
    specific and practical techniques for parents to combat childhood

  9. For more information and advice on this topic, see Grandparenting
    with Love and Logic from the Love and Logic Institute. Available at

  10., August 2005.

  11. Peter Cary, “Fixing Kids’ Sports,” U.S. News & World Report, vol.
    136, no. 20 (June 7, 2004): 46-47.

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