Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1

terror, 92
terrorism, 32
theft, 35
abstract, 27
about choices, 75 , 221
about consequences, 75 , 105 , 106 , 221
encouragement and, 46
encouraging, 27 , 30 , 70
forcing others to do, 85 , 94–95, 139
about homework, 190–91
magical, 168–69
for self, 38 , 42–43, 65 , 205 , 247
starting young, 66
stimulating, 100
teaching, 14 , 66
by teenagers, 27
telling children what to think, 65
thinking words, 13 , 69–71, 75–76
linking behavior with pleasures, 234
requests, 88
using, 85 , 206
yes in, 75 , 207
threats, 71–74
avoiding, 20 , 56 , 57–59, 103
in orders, 70
using consequences as, 113
time. See also tardiness
getting up, 52 , 97–98
private, 97
spent with children, 26 , 34 , 68 , 192
for using Love and Logic, 110
time-outs, 55–56. See also behavior modification

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