Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1

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For many unhappy parents and their entitled, demanding children, life
becomes a one-way street. The parent does things for the child, but the
child feels no need to repay the parent or make the trips pleasant for the
adult. The child only takes, and the parent only gives. Wise parents who
find themselves in such a predicament set the model by taking good care
of themselves. A Love and Logic parent might say, “Honey, I know you
want me to (help you with your homework; take you to your practice;
drive you to the movie). However, I’m sorry to say that taking you places
(doing things for you) has put a darkening cloud over my haze of
happiness lately. That’s sad but true. So I think I’ll pass on doing it this
time.” This parent will raise respectful, thoughtful children who grow to
take good care of themselves too.

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