1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting

(Marcin) #1

have other Start behavior tools for establishing routines. Consider
charting, perhaps with artificial reinforcers, and the use of a kitchen
timer. Since these kids are older, you might also discuss your
morning routines at a family meeting. (See chapter 22.) One way or
another, though, it is absolutely critical for everyone to start the day
on a positive note. Adults take bad memories from unsuccessful
mornings to work with them, and kids can take those same lousy
memories to school.
If you are successful using natural consequences, relax and enjoy
your kids, another cup of coffee, and the peace and quiet. Good luck!


Morning Routine

  1. Out of bed

  2. Bathroom, wash up, brush teeth

  3. Get dressed

  4. Breakfast

  5. Leave on time with the right equipment

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