1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting

(Marcin) #1

Mom: “Come on, Peter. Let’s get going.”
Peter: “I’m not hungry.”
Dad: “What did you have to eat after school?”
Peter: “Not that much.”
Dad: “Then how come you’re not eating?”
Peter: “I am eating!”
Mom: “No you’re not!”
Peter: “We never have anything I like.”
(Silence. Frustrated parents look at each other and continue
Peter: “Why do I have to eat this stuff?”
Mom: “Because, you know, you want to grow up to be big and
strong. You need energy.”
Peter: “But I don’t like any of it.”
Mom: “OK, if you don’t finish, there will be no dessert and
nothing else to eat before bed. Do you understand?”
Alicia: “I like what we’re having.”
Peter: “Oh, shut up!”
Dad: “Peter, you’ve got five minutes to finish.”
Peter: “Dog food’s better than this junk!”
Dad: “Up to your room, right now, young man! That’s no way to
talk to anyone!”
(Peter stomps up to his room. Alicia takes another big bite.)

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