1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting

(Marcin) #1
how  you’ll  replace     these   negative    actions     with    deliberate,
respectful, and more useful 1-2-3 Magic strategies.

  1. Practice, practice, practice! Work hard and thoughtfully until
    the new methods become automatic. Because 1-2-3 Magic
    works so well, it tends to be self-reinforcing, which makes the
    deliberate-to-automatic conversion much easier.

Automatic parenting includes another critically important activity
that you do all the time: modeling. Children are great imitators, and
they learn a lot by just watching the way you behave. If you are
respectful toward others, your kids will tend to be the same. If you
scream in fury during fits of road rage, on the other hand... Well, you
get the idea.

Quik    Tip

Identify your automatic parenting habits that are harmful, useless, or upsetting. As
you read 1-2-3 Magic, decide how you’ll replace these negative actions with
deliberate, respectful, and more useful strategies.

The goal, therefore, is effective, automatic parenting. This
approach takes some concentration and effort in the beginning, but in
the end it’s a whole lot less work. And you and your family are a
whole lot better off!


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