1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting

(Marcin) #1

homework. Include one point for no complaining and one point for
starting on their own without being reminded. Show interest in the
kids’ assignments.

  1. Going to bed and staying there

Erroneous Expectation: Parents expect their kids to be able to get to
sleep and stay asleep by themselves.

The Reality: Adequate sleep deeply affects children’s development,
emotions, attention, and school performance. Generally, children
under five will not be able to both get themselves to bed and go to
sleep on their own. Preschoolers often find going to bed
simultaneously boring and frightening.

What to Do: Twenty to thirty minutes of your time will be required
per night to help little ones through a consistent, reassuring, calm-
down ritual. Determine a bedtime by consulting a “typical sleep
requirements for various age groups” chart, then calculate backwards
from the time the children have to get up in the morning. Use the 1-2-
3 Magic Basic Bedtime Method and “cut them off at the pass” when


This chapter is a bit like the Little Adult Assumption, isn’t it? If you
understand what kids are capable of at different ages, you’re less
likely to, on the one hand, think the kids are out to get you! On the
other hand, understanding what’s normal lets you know the kid’s
behavior is not your fault. Gently train and help your little ones to
master new behaviors and self-control.

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