have to be cut short a little.” Although this statement will be a very
difficult one to make, the comment will definitely be an investment in
your children’s future.
What if the child won’t come out from time-out?
You probably know the answer to this one. Relax and enjoy yourself!
You go to the bedroom door and say, “Time’s up.” Your son or
daughter replies, “I’m never coming out again as long as I live!”
Don’t say, “Good!” or anything like that. Just walk away—never
chase a martyr.
On the other hand, do not cheat by extending the time-out. Imagine
your child’s time-out was for five minutes. You just noticed, though,
that you got distracted and eight minutes elapsed. You think, “Oh, it’s
so peaceful! And she’s being so quiet in her room! Why let her out?”
Wrong—no fair. Keep an eye on the clock or timer, then tell the child
when the time is up. If your girl has fallen asleep—and if it’s OK for
her to nap at this time of day—let her snooze for a bit.
Quik Tip
Why do kids always seem to act up whenever you’re on the phone? It’s probably
because they think you are helpless. Let them know you’re not by counting just
as you would if you weren’t talking to someone.
Some kids always want a hug and some reassurance when time-out