Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1


Random Tips and Questions

Tips for the Process

These are things I’ve found over the years to be tremendously

helpful. Overall, go with what works and be prepared to fend off
unwanted advice.

Have stuffed animals, dolls, cars, trains, or any other favorite toy
“watch” your child use the potty. This works great the first few
weeks. Kids love the idea of showing off to an audience of inanimate
objects. It also works great for the child who doesn’t want to leave an
activity behind. The thrill of the “audience” seems to have limited
power, though. Its magic fades after about a month or so (or
whenever your kid gets hip to your shenanigans).

Always offer choices. This works well in all areas of parenting. Do
you want to use the big pot or the little pot? Do you want to go before
Daddy or after Daddy? First, this gives the child some control, which
they love. Second, it automatically implies that whatever you’re
asking them to do is going to happen. But within those boundaries, it
gives the child some control. And third, it slips in some learning

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