Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1


Welcome to Oh Crap! Potty Training. This is the definitive guide to

potty training. I’m Jamie, and I will be your tour guide on this really
cool journey. What? Cool journey? Yep, you heard right. The first
step I want you to take in beginning potty training is to wrap your
head around what a very cool milestone this is. Walking and talking,
learning to read and tie shoes and ride bikes are all really cool
milestones that we, as parents, look forward to. Potty training,
however, fills us with dread, right? It shouldn’t. One of the coolest
things I’ve discovered about potty training is that it’s your first
glimpse into how your child learns. Every child learns—and therefore
potty trains—a little differently, and you get great insight into your
child’s learning methods and curve.
If you don’t know my history as a potty trainer, you can check my
bio on the website (http://www.jamieglowacki.com). Despite a solid
decade of potty training experience, my business exploded when in
2011 when I began to work with lots of people all at the same time,
which gave me insight into emerging new trends, new problems, and
new parenting methods and styles. I also discovered that there really
isn’t one method for potty training, because even though there’s a
necessary component to all successful methods—to potty train, you
must take the diapers off the child—children are different and
respond to different approaches. In this book, I’m going to teach you

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