Most people I know with toddlers don’t have much that’s truly
precious. If you do have rooms with expensive oriental rugs or items
of furniture that cost more than your house, don’t potty train in these
rooms. Or make them off-limits for a while. You will freak out when
your child pees or poops on these, and there’s no greater stall in potty
training than a parental freak-out. Casual is the key word here. Many
parents—mostly renters or wooden-floor people—confine their child
to the kitchen for a day or just until the child gets the basics down.
So those are the major issues you have to tackle to get and keep
your head screwed on tight. Once you are clear on those points,
believe me . . . this process is going to go so much more smoothly! Go
back and read the chapter again, if you have to. It’s worth getting the
steps to mental preparation nailed down before proceeding. Once
you’ve got your mind prepared, take a deep breath, and cue up the
music from Jaws: dundundundun . . .