isn’t it?
It will take most kids about three to seven days for the potty
training to click. For some kids, the process may be longer, while for
others, it will be shorter. You won’t know what kind of kid you have
until you jump in, but no matter how fast or slow the process is, it’s
all okay and expected. It’s the same as learning to read. Some kids
pick it up quickly and seemingly intuitively, while others take longer
to string letters together into sounds (the latter is more common,
btw). I’m going to give you markers to track progress, because that’s
what’s important here. This whole thing is about progress, not
perfection. What we are going to be doing is bringing your child’s
awareness from Clueless to I Peed to I’m Peeing to I Have to Go Pee.
That’s it. Each segment can take roughly a day. Some kids cruise
through one component and stall out on another. Again, we won’t
know until you jump in.
You should notice that nothing here is written in stone as an
absolute. We are dealing with little human beings. Their brains aren’t
mature yet, but these little people are very capable of thinking their
own thoughts, and they come chock-full of their own personalities.
I’m passionate about potty training because of the many differences
between one child and another, so having said that, you need to keep
your child’s individual personality in the front of your mind as you go
through this process, yes?
On that note, what you are reading is a curriculum. I don’t hold
the magic keys. You do. I am a potty training expert, but you are the
expert on your child. If I say something that doesn’t resonate, ditch
it. I do my best to back up everything I say with a healthy dose of