Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1

If you find yourself losing patience, take a breather. After all,
you’re taking a small amount of time to do what the rest of the
country is taking a year or longer to do.
Block Two is not only about your child learning. You should be
learning as well. Plan not only to learn your child’s signals and/or
pee-pee dance, but also to learn his pee patterns. Some kids can drink
4 ounces of juice and pee seven times in the next hour. Other kids
can drink four full sippy cups and hold it for six hours. Seriously. The
whole goal here is to find a rhythm to your child’s day, and figure out
where the potty fits in. If you have a frequent pee-er, you may not
want to go anywhere for a while after that first glass of water. On the
other hand, if you know you have a camel, go run a couple of errands.
Of course, you’re not going to know your child’s pee habits perfectly
after only a few days, but it’s the eventual goal.
If there is some minor resistance during Block Two, it’s most likely
the result of pure “toddlerness.” There’s been a change in routine.
Remember that all your child has ever known is a diaper. Since she
was a few hours old, she has worn one. She’s a little attached. It’s
okay. This is just something to keep in the back of your mind.
When facing resistance, most parents potty training on their own
give up, often by deciding their child is not ready. Nothing could be
further from the truth. If your child is capable of fighting for
something she wants, she’s more than ready for potty training.
Resistance can result in a short period of unpleasantness, but then it’s
done and you’re over the hump.

Block Three

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