(Ben Green) #1

Chapter 7, page 121

students to think aloud about whatever came to mind after they read each sentence in the passage.
Specifically, researchers instructed: “Say out loud everything that comes to mind as you try to learn from
this statement.” After the students finished reading both passages, each student recalled everything he or she
could remember from the texts and reported all of the new ideas they had learned.

Table 7.1:
Twelve students’ think aloud responses to sentences in nonfiction texts, with each student’s recall

Think aloud response

1 Many kinds of bacteria are harmless
and some are even helpful to us. Some
of them fight other harmful bacteria.
Others make vitamins in bodies and
help us digest our food.

What are vitamins C and D? 1 8%

2 Before the microscope was invented,
the smallest living things that people
knew about were tiny insects.

I know about small insects. I know the tiny lady bugs
because the lady bug can fly and it can walk. When
there are two lady bugs, they fight with each other. 1


3 Harmful germs can get into your body
in three ways, through your nose, your
mouth, and by cuts and scratches in
your skin.

Wow. Germs are stupid. 1 10%

4 Harmful germs can get into your body
in three ways, through your nose, your
mouth, and by cuts and scratches in
your skin.

I know that. And as soon as you have a cut, you suck
on it—sucked cuts heal faster. Well, because I think
you suck all the open blood that’s right there. If you
go on like this, no more blood is going to come. Then
you immediately put a band-aid on. A band-aid
actually has three protections—a box, a wrapper, and
a little strip of paper on it. Once I got such a large
cut that I needed a large band-aid to cover it. 2


5 Harmful germs can get into your body
in three ways, through your nose, your
mouth, and by cuts and scratches in
your skin.

Why do germs get into your body in three ways? 2 21%

6 Harmful germs can get into your body
in three ways, through your nose, your
mouth, and by cuts and scratches in
your skin.

That’s true. Germs get into your body in three ways.


7 No one knows for sure why the
dinosaurs died out. One theory is that
the smarter, quicker mammals
appeared and killed them off, perhaps
by eating their eggs.

I don’t really believe that because most people say
dinosaurs died because they got this really cold
winter and they all died off slowly. 3


8 Harmful germs can get into your body
in three ways, through your nose, your
mouth, and by cuts and scratches in
your skin.

So when you breathe with your nose and you get
bacteria, if you eat something you get bacteria in the
food, and if you have a cut, bacteria just slides into
the cut. 3

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