(Ben Green) #1

Chapter 7, page 135

Problem 7.2 Understanding students’ thinking: Product versus product

Ami Sherman is a high school English teacher who also coaches the girls’
basketball team. She has three basketball team players in her junior-level
American literature class, and she is curious about whether these three
students set process or product goals both in her class and in basketball. She
asks each student about what their goals are as (a) they approach their next
composition and (b) they approach their next game. The table below shows
what each student said:

Student Response to the question
about goals for the next

Response to the question
about goals for the next game

Dhriti “I really want to get an A- on
my next paper because that
would give me a B+ average
for the year.”

“I want to get double digits in
scoring for the next game. I
got really close the last game,
and I want to make it this
Chantoya “I’m working on writing better
thesis statements, so I’m
hoping that for this next
paper, I can come up with a
good, arguable thesis
statement and then hopefully
the rest of the paper will flow
once I have a good thesis.”

“I want to work on my
shooting technique this game.
The last few games, we played
against weaker teams, so I
scored the same amount of
points as always, but I feel like
I may have formed some bad
habits, so I want to really
focus on correcting that in the
next game.”
Chelsea “I want to get at least a letter
grade higher on this paper
than on my last paper.”

“It’s really an issue of
footwork for the next game. If
I can get my footwork down, I
can improve my defense, and
that’s my focus right now.”

Response: Dhriti expresses product goals for both tasks—a grade for the paper
and a scoring goal for the game. Chantoya sets process goals for both tasks.
For writing, she describes what she needs to work on to make her papers
better, and for basketball, she focuses on her shooting technique rather than
how many points she wants to score. Chelsea expresses a product goal on her
paper (a higher grade); for basketball, she describes a process goal (footwork)
which she sees leading to an important product (better defense).
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