Chapter 2, page 51
Figure 2.9 Examples of frames
Elementary. Teaching students the main parts of a story helps students understand and remember stories.
Here is one story frame. Frames of this sort are often called story grammars.
Solution: _____
Elementary/Middle. Gallagher and Pearson (1989) found that this frame was effective in helping
students learn about different insect societies such as bees, termites, and ants.
Insect societies
Getting started
Mating ____
Caring for young ____
Keeping going
Food gathering ____
Nest building ____
Middle. Studies of social studies students have found that students learn more from social studies text
when they are taught to use this general frame for understanding historical events (Armbruster, Anderson,
& Meyer, 1991).
People have People formulate People take People achieve
a goal a plan action goal
People don’t
achieve goal.
Secondary/Undergraduates. Studies of undergraduates have found that undergraduates understand and
remember research reports better when they learn a general schema such as the following (Dansereau,
Purpose of study:
Interpretation: ___