EElliizzaabbeetthh CCaarrrruutthheerrss andMMaauullffrryy WWoorrtthhiinnggttoonnhave each taught in the full 3–8 year
age range for over 25 years. Early in their careers both developed incurable cases of
curiosity and enthusiasm in Early Years education which fails to diminish. They have
carried out extensive research in key aspects of Early Years education, with a partic-
ular focus on the development of children’s mathematical graphics from birth –
eight years. Publications include articles, papers and chapters on the development of
mathematical understanding.
EElliizzaabbeetthh CCaarrrruutthheerrss is presently head teacher of the Redcliffe Integrated Children’s
Centre in Bristol. She has recently worked within an Early Years Advisory Service in
a local authority and as a National Numeracy Consultant. Elizabeth has been a
mentor with the Effective Early Learning Project (EEL) and has lectured on Early
Childhood courses. She has taught and studied in the United States and is currently
working on her doctorate researching mathematical graphics and pedagogical
approaches. Elizabeth is an advocate for the rights of teenage cancer patients and a
supporter of the Teenage Cancer Trust.
MMaauullffrryy WWoorrtthhiinnggttoonnis engaged in research for her doctorate on multi-modality
within children’s mathematical graphics (Free University, Amsterdam): she also
works as an independent Early Years consultant. Maulfry has worked as a National
Numeracy Consultant and has lectured in Initial Teacher Education on Primary and
Early Years mathematics, Early Years pedagogy and Early Years literacy. She has also
worked at the National College for School Leaders as an e-learning facilitator on a
number of Early Years online communities and programmes.
Maulfry and Elizabeth are Founders of the international CChhiillddrreenn’’ss MMaatthheemmaattiiccss
NNeettwwoorrkk, established in 2003, described on their website as:
‘an international, non-profit-making organization for teachers, practitioners, stu-
dents, researchers and teacher educators working with children in the birth–8 year
age range. It is a grassroots network, with children and teachers at the heart of it and
focuses on children’s mathematical graphics and the meanings children make.
About the Authors
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